Uusperhekaruselli – melkein musikaali // Stepfamily Carousel - almost a musical
‘Stepfamily Carousel - almost a musical’ is an unbridled show about relationships and living in a family with all the hilarious opportunities and obstacles that may occur. In this carousel, written and directed by Ria Kataja, everybody has their own peculiar ride to ride on.
Kehräämö | Tickets 30/26/17€
‘Stepfamily Carousel - almost a musical’ is an unbridled show about relationships and living in a family with all the hilarious opportunities and obstacles that may occur. In this carousel, written and directed by Ria Kataja, everybody has their own peculiar ride to ride on.
What’s it like to fall in love with a single person when you’re a divorced parent yourself? What’s it like to care for somebody else’s child? What to do when you get the feeling of not belonging? Or how do you keep everything in order while you’d rather lock yourself in the bathroom to do breathing exercises with a paper bag? (Or when you start to sing in a major key?)
‘...And speaking about blended families, one hasn’t learnt to live together in the same way as in a nuclear family. One hasn’t drifted into doing so. One is slammed into doing so. Suddenly, you’re in a situation where everyone brings their own culture into the dynamic. Their own points of view. Their habits. Broken hearts. Assumptions. Dreams…’
Ria Kataja has been living her entire life in a stepfamily. While writing this show, she interviewed the CEO of the Stepfamily Association of Finland, psychotherapist Kirsi Heikinheimo and therapists Anna Aarnio and Petteri Salonen from Tulenkantajat Pori. In this show we’ll see fragmentary images from the lives of people living in a stepfamily setting as well as the views of professionals who deal with stepfamilies.
Maarit and Teemu Niemelä are a couple of actor-musicians who are also a real-life couple living in a stepfamily. They play all the multiple characters in the show. Due to their background as musical theatre actors this show has plenty of musical numbers and choreographies!
Meno on välillä kuoppaista tai jopa liian kitkerää, toki aina riippuen kokijasta. Mutta koska suunta on sama, päämääräkin lopulta hahmottuu yhteiseksi. Vaan minkälainen on se polku, jota pitkin päästään perille? Sehän on tietenkin jokaisella uniikki ja omanlainen.
The road is oftentimes bumpy and hard to travel, depending on who you ask, of course. But since the heading is the same, the goal will also morph into a shared one. But how does the path to get there turn out to be? It is, of course, unique.
‘... And you there, sitting in the auditorium, you don’t need to be living in a stepfamily to enjoy this show. Of course not! On the other hand, you’ll never know what life throws in your way… Because, before a stepfamily can come into being, there has to be at least one child and one falling in love.’
Do you dare to jump in on this ride?
Written and directed by Ria Kataja
Cast: Maarit Niemelä, Teemu Niemelä
Music: Teemu Niemelä
Costume design: Siru Kosonen
Costumer: Sara Lehtonen
Choreography: Tiina Santavuo
Lighting design: Jyrki Sinisalo
Sound design: Pedro García Diaz, Teemu Niemelä, Sami Rosnell
Technical staff: Jarno Santalähde, Pedro García Diaz, Andrew Ahtiainen, Sami Rosnell
Graphic design, projections and videos: Ville Salén
Additional graphic design: Christian Vaarapuro
Animations: Mika Koskinen
Photography: Eeva Meusel
Prompter: Roni Breilin
In collaboration with: Anna Aarnio and Petteri Salonen (Tulenkantajat), Kirsi Heikinheimo (Stepfamily Association of Finland)
Dates & Tickets
Autumn 2022
Venue: Kehräämö
Thu Nov 24 7:00pm
Thu Dec 1 7:00pm
Thu Dec 12 7:00pm
Spring 2023
Thu Jan 5 6:30pm
Fri Jan 6 7:00pm
Sat Jan 14 2:00pm
Fri Feb 3 7:00pm
Sat Feb 18 2:00pm
Fri Mar 10 7:00pm
Sat Mar 18 2:00pm
Fri Mar 24 7:00pm
Sat Mar 25 2:00pm
Thu Mar 30 6:30pm
Thu Apr 6 6:30pm
Sat Apr 8 2:00pm
Sat Apr 22 6:00pm
Fri Apr 28 7:00pm
Sat Apr 29 6:00pm
Sat May 13 2:00pm
Tickets 30/26/17€
The show is in Finnish
PG 15
Duration approx. 2h 15 min. (incl. interval)
Doors open 1h before show time.
"Uusperhekaruselli oli monella tapaa koskettava ja koko meidän uusperhettä liikuttava kokonaisuus. Se oli parhaimmillaan vertaistukea." -katsojapalaute
"Voi wautsi! Oon ihan sanaton. Te olette kyllä supereita! Mun ystävä totes kotiin lähtiessään, että hän on kyllä ihan peikko ja alkoi itkeä. Eli tää tekis kyllä niin hyvää ihan kaikille vanhemmille!! Löysin itsenikin niistä rooleista. Oli mahtava!" -katsojapalaute
"Ei tarvinnu olla uusperheellinen kun silti osui ja upposi. Varsinkin muutamat kohdat oli kuin meidän elämästä." -katsojapalaute
"Aina, kun menen katsomaan uuden näytelmän kantaesitystä, sydämessäni läikähtää: voi kunpa teksti olisi toimivan oivaltavaa ja tulkinta onnistunutta. Rakastajien uusin tuotanto täyttää kummatkin toiveeni. Terävä ja hauska teksti tuo eteemme harvemmin käsitellyn aiheen." - Satakunnan Kansa