Outreach | Rakastajat-teatteri

Tervetuloa teatteriin! Tutustu turvallisuusohjeisiimme.


Rakastajat theatre aims to advocate for the benefit of theatre and culture. We strive to improve the accessibility of theatre and culture through our activities.


Rakastajat theatre cooperates with a therapy service from Pori called Tulenkantajat (”The Flame Bearers”) with Anna Aarnio and Petteri Salonen. Anna and Petteri have shared their knowledge about stepfamilies for Ria Kataja in the writingphase of the show 'Uusperhekaruselli' (Stepfamily Carousel).

Tule nähdyksi

In the Tule nähdyksi ('Be seen') project, the involvement of young people is strengthened with the methods of applied theatre. In the project, the self-esteem of especially young people at risk of marginalisation is supported and young people’s self-knowledge increased through various workshops. At the same time streamlining education paths and enhancing employment prospects will be encouraged.

In addition, the project produces material for social workers and compiles an information package for the lecturers of the universities of applied sciences about the methods applied in the theatre field.

Rakastajat theatre is one of Tule nähdyksi project’s co-executors together with the University of applied sciences Diakonia, Q-theatre, Tarinateatteri Vox and Vamos Helsinki.

Naisten ja tyttöjen kahvila

The purpose of the women’s and girl’s café is to bring women and girls from different cultural backgrounds to interact with each other. The purpose is to support immigrant women’s well-being and participation as active residents. Women and girls are a group for whom social integration could be particularly difficult, even though they are in an essential status in terms of social integration. This way we also improve gender equality.

In addition to our café activity, we have been striving to offer hourly work for asylum seekers in the theatre's kitchen, cloakroom, restaurant and box office.

Rakastajat theatre has arranged the women’s and girl’s international café activity for the first time in 2015. Friend for an Immigrant Mum –project, SPR (Finnish Red Cross), Central Pori Church and The City of Pori have been acting as cooperators with our café activity.

Urban dramaturg

Rakastajat theatre cooperates with Uuden näytelmän ohjelma (Theatre 2.0). As a part of the cooperation, dramaturg Valto Kuuluvainen has worked as Rakastajat theatre’s urban dramaturg. His tasks included theatre’s development work and brightening its brand. Kuuluvainen ponders ways to strenghten Rakastajat theatre’s role in Pori now and in the future, without forgetting sustainable development and equality.


Palywright-director Elina Izarra has worked in Rakastajat theatre as an ”audience catcher”. She has visited secondary and tertiary educational institutions to run workshops, the purpose of which have been to encourage young people become familiar with the performing arts. In the workshops, young people’s attitudes towards performing arts are mapped to gather information about which kinds of things they are interested in and what kind of shows they’d want to see. In addition to these workshops, Elina has brought student groups to watch Rakastajat theatre’s rehearsals and performances.