SAT 4 MAR 2:00PM TUULA JA PIRKKO – MEIL ON AINA TORO! // TUULA & | Rakastajat-teatteri

Tervetuloa teatteriin! Tutustu turvallisuusohjeisiimme.

Sat 4 Mar 2:00pm
Tuula ja Pirkko – Meil on aina toro! // Tuula & Pirkko - We'll always have toro!

Friends Tuula and Pirkko decide to pack their bags and head to Fuengirola for the final time.

Sat 4 Mar 2:00pm | Tickets 34€


They don't really like each other that much but for some reason they have ended up spending a lot of time together. Unlike many other old people, age hasn't brought upon them any serenity, quite the opposite. Due to their difficult personalities, their families have let them stay in quarantine for quite some time now.

Eventually they decide to head to Fuengirola for maybe the last time. Will they find romance, a luxury yacht or Sean Connery's chest hair on their trip to the costa?

This show is an ode to sillyness, joy of life, free will, stupid things, dreams.


venue: kehräämö

Sat 4 Mar 2:00pm

Tickets 34€

The show is in Finnish

Duration 2h (incl. intervaln)
Doors open 1h before show time


Written & Directed by: Ria Kataja ja Minna Kivelä
Lighting Design: Nina Sivén
Sound Design: Esko Paavola
Actors: Minna Kivelä ja Ria Kataja

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